Erasmus Trip to Siracusa
AEGEE Catania and ESN Catania are pleased to invite you to the traditional :
═╣▌ ₸rip to Σiracusa ▐╠═
☼ Let us guide you along an exciting trip to discover the Greek roots, the baroque treasures and the natural beauty of one of the most charming cities in Sicily! A unique setting to spend an unforgettable Sunday with friends and thus to start the new semester in the best way! ☼

Erasmus Trip to Taormina
Keep discovering Sicily Secrets, and visit the “Pearl Of The Ionic Sea” from its beaches to its beautiful classy streets, Taormina is the favorite holiday location for Sicilians and not only.

Erasmus Trip to Etna
Join AEGEE in one of the most warming trips! Our Trip to Etna!!! Let us guide you along an exciting trip to discover the most active Volcano in Europe.